Diamond Casino Heist Preparations are freemode missions that are needed to progress the planning stage of The Diamond Casino Heist. They can be viewed and started from the basement of Arcades. There are two types of preparation missions – required and optional. The former must be completed in order to carry out the heist, while the latter type of missions can be done to significantly lower. The Diamond Casino Heist is a bit different from previous heists in GTA Online. There are several heist setup missions, and they will differ based on the approach you decide to take.
To help get ready for the upcoming release of the next evolution in Heist gameplay, the GTA Online community has the chance to take down a special kind of score.
Play any Heist Finale over the next 7 days to collectively steal GTA$100 Billion as a community. Any Heist Finale take will count towards the total – from The Fleeca Job to The Data Breaches to The Diamond Casino Heist.
Should everyone come together and hit the target by November 18th, we’ll reward the entire community at large with a special new vehicle, free of charge for a limited time this December. All participants who partake in this week’s Heist challenge will receive an additional bonus – a special badge of honor for their efforts. Assemble your crew, plan your operations and keep an eye out for updates.
To help players get their boots in the door, we’re waiving 75% of the cost of Casino Heist Setup Fees, now through November 18th. There are also rumors of the potential for a shipment of diamonds to be found in the Casino vault.
Also in GTA Online This Week
Get a GTA$1,000,000 Bonus
Even if pulling together for everyone’s collective benefit isn’t really your style, anybody who plays GTA Online at any point between now and November 18th will receive a special bonus infusion of GTA$, to the tune of GTA$1,000,000.
Come back between November 19th and 25th to claim your GTA$1M – just in time to give your finances a nice boost before the holidays.
Double Rewards in Casino Story Missions
For helping Tao Cheng fight off the aggressive advances of petro-magnate Avery Duggan and keeping The Diamond safe from harm this week, you’ll earn double the usual rewards on all Casino Story Missions. Completing these missions as host will unlock the Security Intel Prep for the Casino Heist, giving you a helping hand as you bleed the place dry.
Double Rewards in Resurrection
At its core, Resurrection is a numbers game: shoot your opponent dead to bring one of your own teammates back from beyond the grave. Speaking of numbers, you’ll earn 2X GTA$ & RP for competing in Resurrection, all week long.
Get the Invade and Persuade Barrels Tee
Play GTA Online any time before November 18th to receive the Invade and Persuade Barrels Tee, an homage to the Degenatron classic, free of charge.
On the Podium This Week: Rune Zhaba
Once the heat from your Heist cools off, make sure to stop by the lobby of The Diamond Casino & Resort to enjoy an open bar all week long and then give the Lucky Wheel a spin to walk away with GTA$, RP, clothing, mystery prizes and more. This week on the podium is the amphibious Rune Zhaba sitting atop beefy, super-thick tires.
There are a wide range of discounts this week, including deals on Arcade properties to help you get started on the Casino Heist, along with assorted upgrades, modifications and more.
Arcade Properties – 30% off
Arcade Upgrades & Modifications – 30% off
Select Arcade Cabinets – 30% off
Master Penthouse – 40% off
Master Penthouse Customizations – 35% off
Penthouse Decorations – 50% off
GTA Online players who successfully connect their Rockstar Games Social Club account with Prime Gaming will receive GTA$200K for playing any time this week. In addition, Prime Gaming members receive the Vespucci Canals Nightclub location for free, plus 80% off the Emperor ETR1 and 70% off the LF-22 Starling.
To ensure access to future benefits, make sure to visit Prime Gaming and sign up.
Check Rockstar Support for details.
Derrinstown will stand five well-bred stallions in 2021. As has always been the case with Derrinstown sires, their fees have been set competitively and their books will be limited to give breeders the best possible chance to reap the rewards of their choice.
Values run deep at Derrinstown.
Das im Jahr 1982 erworbene Gestüt Derrinstown war ursprünglich ein 1,5 Quadratkilometer großer Hof in der Grafschaft Kildare, wurde jedoch eitdem zu einem international renommierten Zuchtbetrieb mit einer Fläche von über 8 Quadratkilometern ausgebaut.
Das Gestüt umfasst elf Höfe, die alle mit viel Bedacht konzipiert und nach höchsten Standards zweckmäßig errichtet wurden. Es verfügt über einen kompetenten hauseigenen Tierarzt und mehr als 90 Mitarbeiter, von denen viele im Ausland ausgebildet wurden.
Derrinstown wird im Jahr 2021 fünf gut gezüchtete Hengste haben. Wie bei allen Vatertieren von Derrinstown wurden die Decktaxen auch dieses Mal wettbewerbsfähig veranschlagt, und die Bücher werden Beschränkungen unterliegen, damit Züchter möglichst gute Chancen haben, auch tatsächlich in den Genuss der Früchte ihrer Entscheidungen zu kommen.
Derrinstown ist seinen Grundsätzen verpflichtet.
Acquistata nel 1982, Derrinstown Stud era originariamente una fattoria di 375 acri, situata nella contea di Kildare. Dopo il suo ampliamento, è stata riconvertita in un centro di riproduzione di fama internazionale, esteso su oltre 2.000 acri.
L’allevamento equino comprende undici fattorie, tutte progettate accuratamente e appositamente realizzate in base agli standard i più elevati. L’allevamento si avvale di un qualificato veterinario residente e di più di 90 addetti, molti dei quali con formazione di livello internazionale.
Nel corso del 2021 Derrinstown ospiterà cinque stalloni di buona levatura. Come sempre per gli stalloni di Derrinstown, le tariffe sono competitive e il campionario limitato alle migliori opportunità di buoni frutti per gli allevatori.
I valori sono radicati a Derrinstown.
Racheté en 1982, le haras irlandais Derrinstown Stud était à l’origine une ferme d’un peu plus de 150 hectares du comté de Kildare. Depuis, ce lieu est devenu un élevage de chevaux de renommée internationale couvrant plus de 800 hectares.
Le haras se compose de onze fermes toutes soigneusement conçues et construites pour répondre aux normes les plus strictes de qualité. Le centre emploie un vétérinaire à plein temps ainsi que plus de 90 salariés qui pour beaucoup ont été formés à l’étranger.
Derrinstown accueillera cinq beaux étalons en 2021. Comme d’habitude avec les reproducteurs Derrinstown, les tarifs de saillie ont été fixés de manière concurrentielle et les réservations seront limitées pour donner aux éleveurs le plus de chance de récolter le meilleur spécimen possible.
Derrinstown a des valeurs bien ancrées.