We can ONLY ship to states that can legally have slot machines for home use.
List of states where the purchase of a slot machine is legal. Covers both tokenized & TITO as well as machines that accept real currency. Buy Sell Trade & Repair Slot Machines and Casino Gaming Equipment and Tables - List of states where the purchase of a slot machine is legal. Covers both tokenized & TITO as well as machines that accept real currency. Other states have higher or lower age limits—in Florida you can own a slot machine as long as it’s 20 years or older, but in Massachusetts, it has to be at least 30 years old. State and Federal Laws Gambler’s Paradise complies with all state and local laws pertaining to sales and distribution of casino equipment. The following chart shows to the best of our knowledge the current and correct information on the legal requirements for slot machines in the various states. Laws may change or vary from time to.
Alabama | Any Machine PROHIBITED |
Alaska | Any Machine Legal |
Arizona | Any Machine Legal |
Arkansas | Any Machine Legal |
California | 25 Years or Older |
Colorado | Pre-1984 |
Connecticut | Any Machine PROHIBITED |
Delaware | 25 years or older |
Florida | 20 years or older |
Georgia | Pre-1950 |
Hawaii | Any Machine PROHIBITED |
Idaho | Pre-1950 |
Illinois | 25 years or older |
Indiana | Any Machine PROHIBITED |
Iowa | 25 years or older |
Kansas | Pre-1950 |
Kentucky | Any Machine Legal |
Louisiana | 25 years or older |
Maine | Any Machine Legal |
Maryland | 25 years or older |
Massachusetts | 30 years or older |
Michigan | 25 years or older |
Minnesota | Any Machine Legal |
Mississippi | 25 years or older |
Missouri | 30 years or older |
Montana | 25 years or older |
Nebraska | Any Machine PROHIBITED |
Nevada | Any Machine Legal |
New Hampshire | 25 years or older |
New Jersey | 30 years or older |
New Mexico | 25 years or older |
New York | 30 years or older |
North Carolina | 25 years or older |
North Dakota | 25 years or older |
Ohio | Any Machine Legal |
Oklahoma | 25 years or older |
Oregon | Pre-1968 |
Pennsylvania | Pre-1941 |
Rhode Island | Any Machine Legal |
South Carolina | Any Machine PROHIBITED |
South Dakota | Pre-1941 |
Tennessee | Any Machine PROHIBITED |
Texas | Any Machine Legal |
Utah | Any Machine Legal |
Vermont | Pre-1954 |
Virginia | Any Machine Legal |
Washington | 25 years or older |
Washington DC | Pre-1952 |
West Virginia | Any Machine Legal |
Wisconsin | Any Machine PROHIBITED |
Wyoming | 25 years or older |
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