Black Desert Online Gives Everyone A Free Character Slot April 18, 2016 Matt Chelen Comments With the addition of the Musa and Maehwa classes a mere two days away, Black Desert Online players were undoubtedly concerned that they would have to delete an existing character in order to try the classes out.
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Played by 20 million users, Black Desert
Heart-pumping action and adventures await in the open world MMORPG.
Pearl Abyss provides service on a variety of platformsfrom PC to Console.Learn moreWarrior
Warrior is a skilled melee fighter that uses the sword and shield.
He has a good balance between offense and defense.NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAILRanger
Ranger is a ranged class that attacks enemies from afar.
She keeps her targets at bay with her ranged attacks in fights.NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAILSorceress
Sorceress can effectively control the battlefield
with dark magic by using both melee and ranged attacks.NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAILBerserker
Berserker is vicious and wields monstrous double-axes
to annihilate his enemies with ease.NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAILTamer
Tamer is Heilang's master.
She can ride or command it to fight powerful enemies.NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAILMusa
Musa uses a variety of oriental martial arts,
focusing mainly on sword skills and his horn bow.NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAILMaehwa
Maehwa is trained in oriental swordsmanship and archery
which allows her to flow like water and attack in succession.NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAILValkyrie
Valkyrie leads the charge on the battlefield with her sword and shield.
She wields Elion's sacred powers in her skills.NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAILKunoichi
Kunoichi is an assassin
that uses swords, martial arts, and Ninjutsu.NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAILNinja
Ninja is an assassin
that uses swords, martial arts, and Ninjutsu.NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAILWizard
Wizard can control the forces of nature with his Staff
Witches gain a firm grasp of magic at a young age.
They use various elements as weapons to dispatch their enemies.NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAILDark Knight
Dark Knight wields the lethal
Mystic is trained in eastern martial arts
and mastered hand-to-hand combat.NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAILStriker
Striker is a street brawler class
that specializes in hand-to-hand combat.NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAILArcher
Archer is an agile ranged class
that shoots enemies and dodges their attacks.NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAILBlack Desert online, free Character Slots Vegas World
Lahn has mastered her weapon, Crescent Pendulum,
which has a blade attached to the end of a rope.NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAILShai
Shai is a a support class that has both combat and buff abilities.NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAILHashashin
Hashashin wields the power of the sands at whim
A mid-range class with unconventional attacks.NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAILGuardian
Guardian wields the Battle Axe and Shield,
crushing her enemies with devastating heavy strikes.NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAILMultimedia
Enjoy the realistic world of Black Desert.
You can download wallpapers and videos from here.Choose Your Own Adventure
We welcome you to the vast and exciting world of Black DesertBlack Desert online, free Character Slots
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